Tuesday, 26 July 2011

elephants in hinduism

Hinduism, the largest religion of India, has an abundance of gods and goddesses throughout the country. The most widely worshiped Hindu god deity is Lord Ganesha: The Elephant God. He is one of five prime Hindu deities. Ganesh, as he is commonly called, is an elephant-headed god who has an extensive legend. He represents "perfect wisdom" and is highly loved and worshiped by his devotees. Ganesh is considered to be the "remover of obstacles" and a "bestower of prosperity (Gentz 382)." Ganesha is also called Ganapati. "Ga means ‘knowledge’, na means ‘salvation’, and pati ‘lord’ (Ganesha 1)". His image can be found at the entryway of temples and in places of business. Followers of Ganesh always pray to him before beginning any new venture in life to remove any obstacles that would block their way. Ganesha is also "the patron of literature--he combines the natures of the two most intelligent beings--man and the elephant (Alexander 77)." A variety of sculptures, drawings and carving represent this deity
As a religious symbol, the elephant is purely Asian. It represents royalty, power, wisdom, fertility, longevity and more (Encyclopedia of Religion 82). Ancient belief systems of Asia tend to twist and bend upon one another within the many varieties of Hinduism and Buddhism. In both, man and the elephant make their first appearance in the cosmos together and in both elephants are associated with water and rainfall, the primordial givers of life to dust (Alexander 73). Their shape, size, and color are symbolic of clouds and rain. This connection paved the ground for the development of a cult around the elephant who was worshipped as a folk god (Gupta 11). In most art forms, the elephant is the object of worship or it appears with a god who is worshipped. In countries such as Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand, elephants were believed responsible for watering the fields. Lord Indra, The Rain and Storm God, is sometimes depicted riding on an elephant with a lightning bolt on his forehead. The main use of the elephant in eastern religious art is in the representation of Ganesha, the great Hindu God (Carrington 223). As a Hindu religious symbol, the elephant is highly favored.


In modern day India, festivals honoring the elephant-god are celebrated yearly.
As with most religious and cultural traditions, some myths, legends and tales are more popular than others. For the Hindu, a special relationship has been formed with the elephant. Perhaps the deity of the elephant began with a prayer being answered, or maybe it came in a dream. The practice of worshipping the elephant has made it a religious symbol that continues to be shared by most Hindus today.

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